Thursday, July 28, 2011


Okay so :] today I had been fearing forever because I'm deathly afraid of needles and i thought I was gonna have to get that T-Dap shot or whatever but when I got there they said I didn't need it and I almost started crying from happiness! Oh and it's pretty funny because when I told Aria what i was doing for some reason she thought i said i was gang banging... Uhh go figure Teeheehee :] Today I've been like a super hero and have almost finished my history book! I'm becoming bit by bit relieved since i start school in a week :o As for my weekend i can Not wait for it because tonight I'm leaving to go on a "surprise vacation" with my sissy Marissa and I hope it's amazing!! I still need to go school shopping though.. Does anyone have any suggestions about what look I should start going for?? Leave a comment if you do. I was thinking kinda like a punk/Emo thing going on, but not like full out .. You know what I mean? Well anyway I'm logging out now.
 Keep coming back for your daily dose of Nickki's Kisses!! :* MUAHHH! XOXO
 --NICKKI <3 --

1 comment:

  1. haha chica I miss you too! And I love your style already but since you want to change it up I say go with something classicly comfy but the punk/emo look to what degree haha like how punk emo would you plan on goin cause I can see it working on you if you don't go all out on it but anyway I love you babe and your kisses teehee muah peace and love lates boo, your hopelessromanticbeauty aria (hunnybunny)
