Sunday, July 17, 2011


Hello! :{D greetings peeps of the Internet! thxs for taking your time to read my blog :] I've been trying to  try new and different things out and my luvy duvy bestie, Aria, got me wondering about this (you should check out her blog for yourself.. WARNING: she's amazing *-* hurry go2 seriously you should go2it :) but anyway so far I'm having a pretty cool summer. My activities include anything and everything from following Aria around with her hair brained ideas which usually amount to us getting kicked out of the stores in the mall to staying locked away in my room trying to finish one of my crazy little stories with my friend Tiffany. I also started a Volleyball summer conditioning program and i don't think I've ever been this sore in my whole life! :) anyway does anyone know how you get a fish to lose weight? cause mines fat and I'm afraid he's gonna have a heart attack.... okay okay i totally know what you're thinking.. what the heck is this girl on and where can i get some? well sorry guys but I'm 100% clean :) anyway thanks for visiting my blog :] come back so you can keep getting your daily does of Nickki's kisses <3 XOXO

1 comment:

  1. Ur 100% crazy hahaha jk,but no really I love this and love what ur doing and miss u soo mutch,love yaaaaa XD
