Tuesday, August 23, 2011


hello again cyber peoples! It seems like  forever since I've posted.. Its not like anyone missed me anyway :s
 Well any who I had the best couple of weeks ever!! :D starting when me and Aria had an amazingly fun sleep over, next I went with my friend Carter to john's incredible pizza ( which is not that incredible :p) and then i got sooo uberly jealous 'cause for her b-day she got the iPad 2!! that's like $500!! :O she's so blessed hahah.
 then I went to a beautifully magical wedding on Saturday and on Sunday I went to my 2nd favorite city in the California, LONG BEACH!! That is where i let my photography flourish. I also ended the day by getting married some how... who would have guessed? here are some of the pics i took :)
isn't it so petty? haha its a really nice light house once your up close.

Friday, August 12, 2011


Okay so my reading on lookers, my first day of school kinda sucked. I didn't the the order of my class. for one thing I have 1st lunch [ it's the end of the world right?] well it kinda is 'cause all of my besties are at the next lunch :c I have some people but I only know one really well... she's kinda odd... haahah for example for lunch she brought fried pickles. they smelled so gross :O but yesterday [My 2nd day] my attitude changed and i was like hey you know what this isn't that bad. but i still wanted to change my 4th period class. until i saw our brand new student! not only was she adorable but she was super chili cool! :) she's like the me I've always wanted to be. At first she reminded me a lot of Aria and the she started reminding e of myself and she has a lot of the same thoughts and views on things as me. SO i guess she's like a Nickki Aria blend hahah with whipped cream :] haha well time to head out to school. thanks for reading and remember to keep coming back for your daily dose of Nickki's kisses. XOXOXOX :*

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Well its finally here guys. It's 6:28 A.M.! The day of doom! First day of school.. I though am extremely tired because me and Sabrina stayed up late trying to finish our book that we had to read for AP Euro. :p some people say two heads are better then one but it's really not when there's two big heads and one small book... hahaha ya we finally got  it done at 12 something i think.. Aha yup but I really must be going, I have to pack up my penguin lunchbox teeheehee you know full of lunch  hahahaha.
 Thanks for tuning into another exciting episode in the life of a Nickki. Keep coming back for your daily dose of Nickki's Kisses!! :* XOXOXOX

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


What's up cyber peeps? Unfortunately I'm blogging to day to share some unfortunate news. My fish pooky has passed on. :c there will never be another fish as fat as him. My mom tried to tell me he died from old age, that fishes don't live that long, but I still think it's from him having a heart attack! :c Also last night Erica (my bros girlfriend) got kicked out. It's not gonna be the same around here with out her.. She was pretty amazing though standing up to my dad like that. I've never seen anyone do that b4. I was just standing there all wide eyed. Although at one point I had to pull Erica and Hayden away 'cause I could see things where about to get physical. When I grow up I hope to find some one just like my brother. When my dad started calling Erica a B**** Hayden didn't even hesitate to defend her, it was so sweet. I got scared though 'cause I've never seen him like that.
  sheesh and school hasn't even started yet! This is gonna be the worst year ever. *sigh*
 Well signing off now. Keep coming back for your daily dose of Nickki's Kisses. XOXOX Muah :*

Thursday, August 4, 2011


Ello poppets. So for the past few days I've been very sad. I don't know what triggered it but just all of a sudden out of the blue I get blue... I've also been getting angry over the smallest and stupidest things in my life. Things not even worth getting mad about. My brothers say I have issues and that I'm a really angry person... I'm actually starting to believe them. :o And also my phone stalker has been calling me all week! She is such a creeper! She claims that if I ever stop talking to her, she'll kill herself and  I don't know what to do because I don't want another person's death rest on my conscience! And I know what you're thinking... Just block her number... Well like I said she's a creep! Every time I block Her # she gets a new one... And I don't wanna get a new number because some creeper is messing with me! I just wanna live my life! Grrr! Oh no! I got angry :c >Breath< >Breath< okay I'm good.
 But any who, right now I'm actually suppose to be getting ready to go to orientation and take my ID picture and pick up books and such. I'm praying that my pic comes out as good as last year. It was a total accident but it came out amazing. The lady was yelling at me and it made me laugh so that's why it looked so good. :] Well I really must be going because it starts in 30 minutes.
 Just remember to keep coming back for your daily dose of Nickki's Kisses. XOXOX :*

Monday, August 1, 2011


 Hey... so um I had a very.... interesting weekend. First, I got a little over my head when I thought I was so smart "knowing" that we where going to Palms Springs.. Well to my surprise we where gonna go to Disney Land :D the happiest place on earth! and it being my first time going I was bubbling over with uber gushy excitement! Well here's the catch, Marissa just so happens to be chasing after a rolling ball and trips over it... :l (keep in mind that the ball was MOVING AWAY FROM HER!) well that little accident equaled a broken ankle+no Disney land :c we  did end up  going to Rain forest cafe, the movies, and many shops in Downtown Disney. We went to Vince Beach to watch the sun rise but lucky for me it started to storm. thunder and lighting and lots of rain! :) I spent a lot of time taking care of my 2 "adopted children" in the hotel room. It was difficult not being able to have help from Marissa, who when wasn't laying in bed resting her ankle was fearing for her life as i speedily raced her around in her wheel chair and threatened to push her off the bridge when she started getting an attitude with me :] thank God I love  her 'cause if I didn't.. oh gosh.
 Well in lighter  news i start school in a week and I'm freaking out about it!I also totally failed my gate test 'cause I'm so freaking stupid!For school I haven't even gotten a single thing ready :P seriously though I'm freaking out!!!!! Still not done with my homework either.... speaking of homework I'd better go get some done. Besides Tiffany is bugging me about having writers block :P teeheehee
  remember to keep coming back for your daily dose of Nickki's kisses :] XOXO muah :*